Saturday, August 29, 2009

roots of human misery-2

My emotional development has far exceeded my language development. I can feel, understand, think, but when it comes to spoken or written words, I draw a blank! Yet I want to express!! I keep all windows of my mind and heart open to let in fresh air to amend me and correct me ! !

Our secular credentials have been defeated by a class called, selfish class of society. All man made barriers have been made and used by this set of society which is self seeking, corrupt, divisive, insidious, invisible and clever. It is this set of society that sees destructive weapons in Iraq, makes the Dollar stronger than before, and runs the sensex of various nations. Forces of truth and reality have been distorted, relegated and defeated by this set of society called selfish set of society. This set of society is present wherever human society exists. We call this set of society by various names, but I am not interested in names. These selfish tendencies of human being can be managed by a good educational and value based political system.



This set of society called selfish set of society runs everything: sensex, press, police, and economic and political systems of the entire world! Everything has a price is the mind set of this set of society. An isolated average person is just a victim of this basic tendency of human being. He is feeling as if he is swimming against the current. He sometimes lacks right perception on his state of affair. He fails to identify the forces and conditions that make him prisoner of a system.

Selfishness is a general tendency of human being. Self centeredness is still against social development. Varying degree of self centeredness divides the society and an individual in to good, better and the best. But it is this tendency which is reflected in the sale and manufacture of deadly weapons of war, evasion of responsibility and taxes, accumulation of black money in Swiss banks, betrayals to commitments towards various institutions of society, manufacture and sale of adulterated food stuffs, harmful drugs, poor quality of goods and services and all kinds of cheatings and violence. This selfishness or self-centeredness of human beings defeats all tenets of establishments of social values and justice.

If self-centeredness is the basis for progress and development, it is also the root cause of erosion of human values and downfall of mankind. Balancing this human tendency is good for the wellbeing of human society.

US materialistic progress and individualistic approach has defeated all tenets of healthy society. You can classify any society or an individual on the merits and demerits of degree of selfishness or self-centeredness. Urbanization and self-centeredness has a direct relationship.

You will be interested to know that selfishness or self centeredness has matching colors. This is the reason why greedy, cheap and self-centered minds or set of society get united faster and good meaning minds do not form unions. Criminal forces unite faster than forces who fight for establishment of just and fair society.. Division of human society on the basis of caste, creed, region,race,religion, language and nationality is also a invention of this self-seeking mind of human beings. Break these barriers and you will universalize yourself like God ! !

This selfish set of society has made worst use of all man made barriers .In fact, creations of various man made barriers was an invention of this set of society which is responsible for the killing of Mahatma Gandhi, imprisonment of great leader like Nelson Mandela for 28 years, evasion of taxes and accumulation of black money in Swiss banks, managing press, police, judiciary, media and all types of political, economical and social permutations invented and designed by human beings.

If you feel your family is being divided, search the roots for it and you will meet this selfish mind working like termite within your concept of family. I have felt this in my family of this universe.

President Bush could not detect the weapons of mass destructions in Iraq but could move the opinions in his favor. Where is the verity of press? Where is the morality and honesty of UNO? America has proved that economic and military strength wins and not the morality. Deadliest weapons of war are a gift of western nations to UNO and Eastern countries of the world! The weapons of war were used to kill socialist forces of the world and to keep Dollar price vibrant!
In stead of concentrating on the sale and manufacture of weapons of war, if America had concentrated on the UPLIFTMENT of educationally and economically backward classes of the world society at large, it would have been able to eradicate terrorism 50 year back. President Bush has been described as fool by one eminent socialist. This Self seeking set of world society lacks social consciousness because it is too much individualistic. President Bush represents this set of society. You reap what you saw. PRESIDENT BUSH AND HIS SET OF SOCIETY OF PEOPLE NEED GOOD REFORM SCHOOLS AND SOUND SOCIALIZATION. HATING THEM WILL MAKE US INCOMPLETE AS HUMAN BEINGS.

America itself is responsible for the rise of terrorism. The profit monger’s class suffering from superiority complex and lacking social responsibility and social consciousness is responsible for the rise of terrorism. This set of society breeds serpents in the hope that those serpents will protect their wealth but they do not know that serpent is not a thinking animal like human being. Like serpents, the nuclear heads do not recognize various races and nationalities. . Rightist forces disguised in various forms and locations had paved way for the rise of terrorism by creating conflicting conditions and circumstances. Today’s terrorist was US colleague in Afghan war is known to every citizen of the world! Now, Fear of leakage and use of nuclear weapons keep US restless. You reap what you saw.

America is paying for its past is a right reading of ex President Bill Clinton.

I would say President Barrack Obama is asking Muslim countries for change in their attitudes towards US for the historical mistakes committed by Mr. Bush. Your military strength cannot make you powerful because you have failed to understand the human nature. Mahatma Gandhi had proved himself mightier than the British Empire. Materialistic west has not followed the principles of Mahatma Gandhi who believed in spiritual strengths.
Respect for minority right is a cherished principle of American democracy. It is a great and admirable principle! Great salute to the constitution of this great country! But anything that threaten the Dolor's stability and their defense system is punishable and unacceptable as minority view or political ideology is not acceptable to me.

Even the sale of weapons should keep American economy vibrant. Divide and Rule has been policy of this set of society - a part of world society which I call selfish and its characteristics are universal in nature. Wealth and investments based on profit is the only criteria to measure the strength of any society or individual is the mind-set of this set of society.

Corruption is a gift of this self-centered set of society. You need eyes and perceptive abilities to understand this social evil. You need to understand vested interests working and operating in various forms and levels of social systems. Until and unless roots are not changed, it is impossible to have clean and healthy society. Healthy press, healthy judiciary and healthy value based government can eradicate corruption. It is a gradual process.

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