Friday, October 30, 2009

roots of human misery-my musings

Y FURTHER EXPLANATION ON MY MUSINGSI have criticized US and West for much individualistic approach which ...

I have criticized US and West for much individualistic approach which creates self centered society. Creation of humane society requires a sound socialization which sees progress in good of man kind! But sadly, US policies have been under the influences of rightist forces. They go by profit prospect and do not see good of mankind or social values.
As an individual, I like to be a citizen of the universe . I want to be closer to religion and I do not want be a part of any barrier. The world society is an integral part of my being. I do not believe in nationalism, racism, communalism, and regionalism. Theses all “isms” are product of self centered mind of human beings. Their use for selfish ends is like going against true tenets of any religion !

Ideologically speaking, I do not want to be a part of any nation. I am a universalist and I can think only in terms of set of society of mankind ! I have evaluated US and the West as part of my being which is mankind! Discriminating on any unreasonable ground is like deceiving our self.

Western society and Indian society are just two set of world society which constitute my human existence.

Killing of Australian priest and his two sons was the act of that set of society which was responsible for the killing of Mahatma Gandhi. It is an act of self centered set of society. This set of society needs right education and right guidance from childhood. Self centered politicians have brought up and nurtured this set of society.

I have used the word “set” because I do not accept different names assigned to different societies.

To me society is one but divided into different sets. Naming them is not humane.

If Indian society is suffering from illiteracy and ignorance, who is responsible ? My answer : Role of Economics and responsibility of that set of society which is not Ignorant and which is not illiterate. i have pointed out US and West in this context in my musing.

Dear reader, I request you to fully understand the impact of economic forces on individual and national life. I myself am a product of economic forces.

Wise use of economics for social good can turn the country the way the China has made progress.

All self centered sets of society are a subject matter of good thinkers and good human beings. One set of mind believes in regional and national boundaries and it is not clear on the concept of religion. I am doubtful whether this set of mind is capable of comprehending the true meaning of religion. If L. K. Advani had understood the true meaning of word religion, he would not have started Rathayatra which resulted into killings of so many people is one side of thinking. He may have started the Rathyatra with good intentions of fusing Indian masses with real Hinduism and it is possible that the upsurge was so great and violent that the situation would have been out of his control. Justice Liberhan commission has not accused Shri L. K. Advani in its report.

Thakare’s love for his region is his mind set which is same as Nathuram Godse’s love for India!! Both represent the same mind -set and they have been brought up and nurtured by the rightist and self centered set of society.

The Indian National Congress was one such organization which represented all sections of Indian society during independence era, but as time passed, the rightist forces (greedy without principles,ethics,or scruples) from Congress became powerful and they were responsible to drive away socialist forces(centrists) from it. The left wing thinking from congress was relegated and the sefish, greedy, and crooks took the possession of the entire Congress. This resulted into alienation of congress from grass root levels and frustrated masses turn to Janata Party and BJP and other regional party for solutions of their problems.. The BJP is the force that has became the outlet of suppressed middle classes of society. The Frustrated socialist thinkers and masses turned to Janata Party and BJP and emergence and strengthening of regional parties took place because the Congress (excluding Nehru Family) had turned into a coterie of self seeking, greedy,arrogant and crooks elements. The congress workers had lost touch with masses. This was the reason why Congress started loosing election battle one after another. It was wiped out from Northern belt because it had failed to answer the call of the people. The defeat of congress was brought about by the rightist forces working within the party itself under different names and guises. Today’s Janata Dal was secular mouthpiece of centrist (neither towards rich nor towards poor) forces. The BJP with its RSS base was more practical in solving people’s grievances and that’s why it could prove to be a challenge to Congress. Only negative aspect of BJP which was brought to fore by left wing forces was its religious thinking on secular fronts. It was the contention of the left wings forces that under the garb of religion, BJP used to harbor the anti social elements under its umbrella to threaten the set of society which believed in honesty and progressive thinking. The rightist forces(creators of Black money) have used religion as their hiding place and RSS used to shield the rightist forces because these rightist forces were funding RSS agenda of religious frenzy and distorted concept of religion. The rightist forces (profit mongers without any scruples) and fanatics had used Congress and RSS to do away Communist because Communists were Bastian of social values and they had high levels of economic, social and intellectual perceptions. It was beyond the intellectual range of RSS and Congress men to understand the implications and impacts of social and political sciences as communist did. The left wing parties are the prisoners of their own conscience and they believe in the purity of means to any end. This was not the case with vociferous communal forces. The end is more important than the means is the thinking of communal forces and this is the basic difference between two opposite line of thinking. The fanaticism was not acceptable to any Indian of this country and we have reached the stage wherein there is little difference in Janata Party and BJP. The BJP minus fanaticism or communalism is Janata Dal, the original part of Indian National Congress. If BJP succeeds in convincing Indian masses that it will never follow fanaticism in its public commitments, it is the right party to handle the affairs of this country because of its RSS Base which has high credentials like Communists. The RSS thinking is based on our ancient culture and scriptures and it may become incompatible with present composition, nature and constitution of our fast changing society because as time passes the variables of society undergo many subtle changes. The true RSS workers will have to take into confidence the entire nation by altering its own constitution and pledging its commitment to secular fabrics of this great nation. Unless and until, this is done, the centrist and left wing forces of this country will not allow BJP to strengthen its bases in masses because they believe that Indian culture is composite culture and it represents love and universal brotherhood. There is no place for communal hatred and negativism in social thinking and workings of this country. In order to improve its fanatical image, the RSS will have to purge the anti social elements from its folds and present a clean ,neat public image like left wing parties.

The present revival of congress is the result of its own efforts and realization as well as excessive negativism and personalization of politics by hard liners of BJP. The people were fed up with personal attacks and cynicism from BJP side. Indians are good at watching not your body language but your public postures and behavior also. There is no place for extremism, threats and misbehavior in public and private life of all those who want to be role model for the masses.

Mahatma Gandhi can best represent the Indian values and Indian culture is the right thinking of masses and this message has gone through some intellectual ranks of BJP.

The fact is selfish political forces had given birth to regional parties which lack national outlook and have limited areas to work and think ! Lot of time and energy is being wasted over the clash between regional interest and national interest. The vested interest of US and West has played this role in international arena to defeat the forces that represented social justice and social values. Here I mean socialist forces (left wing thinking.). Pakistan President Zardari has said that after the defeat of Soviet troops in Afghanistan ,Allied forces took the next bus and left Afganistan leaving all chaos behind.

Whether you believe or not, I am fully convinced about divisive forces (greedy, self centered moneyed class and political scoundrels) were behind today’s state of affairs. Demand and supply theories of economics which have contrubituted for the prosperity of US has never taken note of millions of voiceless people who are deprived of food ,clothes and accommodations world over.

I have not accused West or US, but I have tried to convey that self centered mind can reside in West and Dharavi (Mumbai local area) also. Greedy and self-centered human being have matching colours and matching mind–sets. US and West mind set has greed and marketing hungers for materialistic progress. West and US has not worked for the betterment and upliftment of world society at large. What they created was self centered society lacking future visions and social responsibility. Integrating their society with the main stream of world society has not taken place. Economic race has resulted into loss in human values. I have been critical of materialistic race of west at the cost of preservation of social values.

By not allowing entry of communal force into the boundaries of US , US has given ample proof that US is wedded to certain constitutional principles. World is convinced that US and West are not communal in nature.

I have criticized US and the West for the production and sale of weapons of mass destructions. Instead of such huge spending on nuclear weapons and its research, US and West should have spent on social upliftment of entire human society. Again I say the west international actions were more prompted by monetary gains (profit making) and Social Engineering of world society was not paid its due place in their foreign policies.

What is the need of 141000 crore budget on defense in India ? Why can not we use this huge amount for the social engineering like education , healthcare and irrigation?

Who created race for arsenal ? Why did they not spend on vital human resources? If they had played the role for backward sections of society, they would have been able to reduce the terrorist threats from economically and socially backward regions of the world!

How many honest man are sitting in Indian parliament?

Who is responsible for horse trading in our parliament?

Where the talks of black money have gone?

Lastly, I am not searching divisive forces in India only; I am searching their identity in world society as well. Names may differ, but realities are the same. The colors of rightist forces are matching everywhere! ! Their activities are divisive and insidious. They can enter into marriage pact with anyone. They are not bothered as long it gives them good returns! ! They create divisions and all man made barriers are their contribution to mankind! I am with Mahatma Gandhiji who said that the rich should not try to possess wealth but they should hold the wealth as its trustee. The ultimate end of all wealth is for the good of society only.

If a dog barks at the other dog from other street, simply because it thinks the street belongs to it is nothing but its ignorance. It is its survival instincts that makes it bark ! !

If I summaries, I am against all man made barriers.

I have written this to clarify some contexts and statements.

After all, the elephant is same, but people touching it have different perceptions not only because they have touched different parts of an elephants but because they have different perceptive levels and senses. We all are moulds of different systems and circumstances.

Just as ligaments bind together the skeleton so does religion. What integrates and binds the society together is religion. Anything that disintegrates the society and disrupts its harmony is not religion.

In order to be close to God, I have broken all the boundaries because God was against all man made boundaries. In order to be a universalist, I want to get rid of all man made barriers which were responsible for the killing of Australian priest and his two sons, imprisonment of Nelson Mandela for 28 years, assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, humiliations and killings of all innocent. I am searching links between different sets of society whose actions did not please God but yet they believed that they had practiced religion!!

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